I feel a little bit selfish sending this update asking for prayer for Levi. With everything going on in Haiti, our problems seem so small. And we do have so much to be thankful for. We have two amazingly happy, healthy little boys.
Anyway, on Monday January 25th Levi will be having another procedure. Three different Doctors will be scoping his airway. It’s different from the ones he has had in the past. His regular ENT will be measuring the depth of the scar tissue in his airway, a Gastro-intestinal Doctor will be assessing the damage that his Reflux has caused and how bad it still is, and a Pulmonalogist will go deep into his lungs to check them(he will be ‘flushing‘ them to check and see what bacteria lives in them). Levi’s trache was described to me as a ‘highway for infection and bacteria’. We have been so blessed in that he was not had problems with this, but that doesn’t mean that bacteria doesn’t exist in his lungs. One of my main concerns is that his ENT Doctor said that he would not operate on Levi’s trachea if there is still MRSA bacteria in his lungs. This was the staph infection that they both got when they were a week old. The problem is that Levi did have this before in his lungs and still has problems every once in a while with pustules on his skin. The last one he had was really bad. The only way to get rid of this on your skin is to basically bathe in chlorine water for a week, at the same time you have to disinfect with bleach absolutely everything that you come in contact with… pretty much impossible! The other problem has been with the reflux. They can’t do any type of surgery on his airway if it will later get damaged by the acid reflux. We have thought that it’s been under control for the past year, but every time that Doctor Goudy(ENT) has looked at his airway there have been signs of irritation from it. It some times takes years to outgrow this and some people don’t.
Anyway, we are going in with no real expectations… Hoping for the best, yes… We know Who is in control and we also realize that no matter what happens on the 25th, we will be okay. I never thought I would get to this point, I feel like I’ve been fighting it for two years! But I now accept God’s will, even if it doesn’t mean that my son will be healed. God is good, He is perfect. We gave our lives to HIM, we will follow(or stay) where He wants us.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and Love,
God bless,
Brian and Rochelle
Ok i understood this one :) We will be praying for Levi this week and of course Monday that God would do a miracle in his little lungs and throat. We love yall 4 so much!
of course prayers are going up for sweet Levi - God can do ANYTHING at ANY time in Levi's life! What a joy Levi already is to this world! Oh, and Brookie will most likely be accomodating his request, no progression as of today! :)
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