Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tomorrow is a big day, Levi will have his 5th or 6th? I can’t remember! He will have another bronchoscope. For the past 2 weeks I’ve been trying very hard not to lose my focus. To not let my emotions rule my life. To not let anything get in the way of my hope, my faith. Boy has it been a battle! I’ve been reminding myself to meditate on the Word of God, the only thing that cannot be changed no matter what.

GOD is in control…. GOD IS IN CONTROL!!! His ways have not made much sense to me these past two and a half years. But they are good, they are perfect. And we are trusting in HIM. No matter what they see tomorrow we are trusting in God’s goodness and His perfect plan for our lives. For our baby boy's life.

Levi and Jesse are doing so good. They are growing and changing every day, they talk and sign non-stop! They are constantly running and jumping and getting scrapped knees… they are such a joy! Levi has continued to do so, so well with the change in diet. He hasn’t required any medicine and is eating like never before. God is so good… we are so thankful for this new Doctor.

So, tomorrow we are praying that the Doctors will see what we have been seeing. We are praying for his airway to be healed. We have never gotten a good report from this procedure. They have always seen the exact same thing every time they have checked, but we are praying that tomorrow will be totally different.

We are so thankful for what God has already done and the healing that has already started. Every time Levi willingly opens his mouth to eat, we praise God… every time we hear his precious voice, we feel like we have just witnessed a miracle. Thank you all so much for your prayers…


Anonymous said...

I have been thinking of you and of Levi so much the past couple weeks. I'm thrilled to read that he is doing better and I'm praying for an awesome report of healing today!!

KJ said...

Praying for you all!