Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This is the first time in quite a while that I’m actually excited to write an update! Monday’s procedure went very well. We got there at 9am but unfortunately didn’t get started until 12! One of the Doctors has called to the ER so we waited for him. Levi, thankfully was very patient and entertained.
Dr. Acra, the gastro-intestinal Doctor was there with Dr. Wootten(ENT). Dr. Acra hadn’t seen Levi since April, when he said that we could go ahead and do the trache surgery. Anyway, he said that to the naked eye, Levi’s esophagus looked good. We will have the biopsy results next week to confirm. After that Dr. Wootten came out and said that things looked a little better but he wasn’t too sure yet how much better- he paused and said “why am I down playing this? It looked way better and I am very encouraged!” Of course things can change, but for now we are celebrating! Plus, he said we could take a two month brake and then check, if things still look really good then maybe we will start talking about getting the trache out… We need a two month brake!
So it was great! Things looked better and we get to go to Mexico for 6 weeks! Unfortunately Brian can’t be there for that long. We will leave on Monday and then he will leave a week after that and hopefully get to stay for three weeks. The boys and I will stay two extra weeks after he leaves. That’s the plan anyway! Like I said in my last update, we NEED this brake! I feel like I’ve been under water for months having to hold my breath (okay, maybe that’s a little exaggerated)….
Hopefully the next update will be from Mexico! Love you all and Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

KJ said...

Praise the Lord! I am so excited for you guys. If you ever want to swing by our place (we are close to the ocean....) we'd love to have you! Enjoy the time with your family...may the Lord be near!